
India’s First And Highest Rated 3D Printing And Advanced Manufacturing Hub

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At Time To 3D, one of our primary objectives is to increase awareness on 3D printing and its applications. To achieve this we have embarked on a mission to reach out to as many curious minds as we can.

The enormous hype around 3D printing has resulted in a lot of information being circulated. The challenge is to identify and gather relevant information and applying it to the right domain. For instance, a person in the medical field need not be taught about 3D printing applications in the jewelry industry, likewise students in primary and secondary schools should learn about 3D design concepts whereas a manager in the automobile industry should be educated on product design and prototyping.

In order to provide relevant training and learning on 3D printing we offer the following services:

3D Printing Courses at our Hub
With state of the art facilities and a dedicated training/workshop room, learners are immersed into the world of 3D printing. 3D printers busy in action, customers getting their 3D scans, children playing with 3D pens, post processing of finished prints and of course the hundreds of samples we have on display, provide for a truly unique and memorable learning experience.

Courses have been designed in a way that they can be customized according to the field of study or industry that the learner is from. Anyone from any age and field of work can apply for these courses.

For Schools, Colleges & other Educational Institutes
Good quality education should be multi-dimensional, giving equal importance to theoretical learning as well as hands on practical knowledge. It is imperative that educators integrate 3D printing in the classroom empowering the creators and makers of tomorrow with this cutting-edge technology that will shape the future. Visually seeing and physically touching objects are a huge part of the day to day human cognitive learning process. In the formative years of children, it is much easier to learn new ideas, methodologies and technologies.

3D printing can be applied at all educational levels right from elementary schools to universities. An art teacher can have their students design and 3D print models of their choice while a geography teacher can 3D print terrain from somewhere in the world to help students better understand different regions. 3D printing helps students learn more easily and in an interesting manner.

We offer 3D printing courses that can be taught as part of an existing curriculum or even conduct customized workshops in the classrooms. This enables educational institutes to equip their students with the tools required to be part of workforce that demands sharp critical thinking and collaboration skills.

3D Printing Lab Setup
The Government of India has recognised the need to incorporate training on 3D printing in classrooms and has launched the ATL Tinkering Lab initiative with an aim to setup tinkering labs in schools across the country. Whether it's an educational institution or a corporate organization, we analyze, research, recommend, provide and install entire 3D printing labs that include 3D printers, 3D scanners, 3D pens and filaments. Depending on the customer's requirements we install the appropriate technology required and provide hands on training of the same. Industries from various fields are fast adopting 3D printing technology. If the way things are manufactured is changed then the impact of that is across verticals. That is exactly the impact that 3D printing has made. From designing the product, to creating prototypes and finally to mass manufacturing the product, 3D printing technology can be incorporated at multiple levels within an organization.

For Businesses
We conduct workshops for companies, or at events and offsite activities with an aim to showcase the extent of 3D printing technology and it's applications. The workshops can also be tailored for large groups and for companies in different industries.
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