3D Printing , The Future Of Architecture

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3D Printing In Architecture & Interior Design

Architectural scale models have long been a staple application of 3D printing. Before the field of architecture was introduced to the 3D printing technology, creating scale models was an extremely labour intensive and time-consuming process. Creation of these scale models is vital for large firms, independent architects as well as students in order to communicate their design intent and to produce a demonstration on the architect's vision.

3D printing empowers architects to easily create complex, accurate and durable scale models quickly and cost effectively. 3D printing scale models can be done directly from CAD data that is used for developing blueprints. Combining the precision of digital design with the tangibility of scale models, 3D printing allows architects to see how the building would stand in physical space and whether any problems could be rectified.

The freedom to create any object is a boon for all designers as products can be personalised as per client tastes and preferences. With the technology now easily available, designers and architects can express their creativity and innovation like never before.

3D printed décor is the key in creating homes and offices that reflect the unique personality of the owner. From intricate lamps and vases to customized wall clocks, 3D printing offers it all.
Saves Time & Money

Traditional methods of creating scale models require many days, many man hours and skilled craftsmen all adding to the cost. 3D printed scale models can be developed in a matter of hours thus saving time and cost.

Better Communication

Blueprints or digital 3D models cannot provide the same perspective as a 3D printed scale model. A 3D printed prototype gives a more realistic idea of what can be accomplished. The architect can identify, test and assess the scale model for design flaws before construction.

Design Possibilities

Without having to worry about human errors in the final output, architects can design freely, knowing that 3D printed models are highly accurate. Designers can push the boundaries of design while having the possibility of printing multiple copies quickly and cost effectively.

Easy Integration

3D printing requires CAD data which all architects and firms already use making the transition to 3D printing seamless.

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