Gaur Gopal Das - CAD Model Bust
Gaur Gopal Das - CAD Model Bust
Gaur Gopal Das - CAD Model Bust
Gaur Gopal Das - CAD Model Bust
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Gaur Gopal Das - CAD Model Bust

Rs. 9,999.00 Rs. 14,999.00
Tax included.
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You are free to share, copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format under the following terms:

Attribution — You must give appropriate credit but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.

Non-Commercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes.

No Derivatives — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you may not distribute the modified material.

No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

No warranties are given. The license may not give you all of the permissions necessary for your intended use.

All CAD Designs published on this website are exclusively reserved for private and personal use. It means not selling the model or any derivative of the model for economic or financial gain. If you want to sell a printed version of a 3D file, please get in touch with us.
Q: What material is the miniature made of?
A: The miniatures are made in a biodegradable thermoplastic called PLA.

Q: What is a STL file?
A: STL is a file format commonly used for 3D printing and computer-aided design (CAD). The name STL is an acronym that stands for stereolithography — a popular 3D printing technology. You might also hear it referred to as Standard Triangle Language or Standard Tessellation Language.

Each file is made up of a series of linked triangles that describe the surface geometry of a 3D model or object. The more complex the design, the more triangles used, and the higher the resolution.

You can recognize an STL image by its .stl file extension and by its lack of color and texture.

Q: Can I print the design in color?
A: The CAD design will be sent to you in a single solid color. The model can be 3D printed and then manually painted. Alternately for full color 3D prints the CAD design will need color and texture added to it.

Q: What is the maximum size that can be printed of the design?
A: There are no restrictions. For large prints the design can be cut up and printed in parts and stuck together. Part sizes will depend on the bed size of your 3D printer.

Q: How will I receive my 3D CAD design?
A: Upon selecting the design and making payment for the same. The CAD design will be sent to the email address mentioned in the billing details in STL format.

Q: Why are the images grey?
A: The CAD designs will be in grey scale and will not have any color or texture.